Stand alone video player for streaming via url link on mac
Stand alone video player for streaming via url link on mac

stand alone video player for streaming via url link on mac

  • With your editing turned on, click into the Atto editor text box where you wish to embed your video.
  • (Note that these instructions are for the Atto editor) With the Multimedia plugins filter enabled, videos may be embedded as follows: Moodle uses VideoJS player as its default player as it is responsive and displays video well across devices and browsers.
  • Alternatively, you can upload the video by turning the editing on and choosing Add an activity or resource > File.
  • A box will then appear for you to decide whether you want the video embedded in a label, or added as a clickable file resource.
  • If your browser allows resources to be dragged and dropped, then you can turn on the editing and drag the video directly onto the course page.
  • Note that, in an establishment where certain video sharing sites might be banned, your students might not be able to access your video through Moodle.
  • If your video is hosted elsewhere online (such as YouTube or Vimeo) you can simply link to the relevant page by choosing URL from 'Add an activity or resource' and pasting in the relevant link.
  • Ways of displaying video Linking to a video online elsewhere They can easily be embedded inside Moodle from such sites and privacy can still be maintained if you choose their private video sharing option. When server space or upload limits are restricted, or if you are seeking some video player features not available within Moodle, it is convenient to upload videos to an online site like YouTube or Vimeo. If you are worried about multiple copies of the same video taking up lots of space, then that is not a problem the Moodle file system is clever enough to only store a single copy of a file, no matter how many times you upload it to your server. If you upload your videos to your Moodle site, storing them on your own server, then you retain ultimate control.

    stand alone video player for streaming via url link on mac

    Courses where teachers and students interact by signing instead of speaking or typing.Moodle's Atto editor allows teachers and students to record short video messages by clicking the relevant icon.( If you don't see this setting in the Atto editor, ask your administrator to check the RecordRTC settings.) This feature is also available for the TinyMCE editor as a plugin.

    3.3.3 Using embed code to display external videos.

    stand alone video player for streaming via url link on mac

    3.3 Embedding a video in its own player.3.1 Linking to a video online elsewhere.

    Stand alone video player for streaming via url link on mac